Adelante Supports the 'Free Them All' Campaign in Tacoma, WA


In July 2020, our team conducted listening sessions with the community and one of the top four priority issues was the unjust detention of people and children in detention centers in the United States. In response to that, Adelante Mujeres formed a small group of community members, mainly Promotores — people trained by Adelante Mujeres to become community leaders focused on sharing resources with the Spanish-speaking community. The team learned about the topic of unjust detention, analyzed the root cause, and took action in various ways. They’ve been meeting since August 2020.

They’ve been supporting the national ‘Free Them All’ campaign, as well as advocating and testifying in favor of the Universal Representation and Sanctuary Promise Act which would impact people who have been in detention or are currently in detention.

Adelante Mujeres joined several other agencies in supporting the Free Them All campaign, which is led by the American Friends Service Committee (AFSC). Our team has been helping with creating agendas, co-facilitating meetings, planning meetings, and helping with the logistics of the vehicle caravan to Tacoma. The Adelante team and Promotores also collected more than 100 letters that were given to people in the detention center.

Many thanks to Beth Ronk for capturing photos of the group’s latest trip to Tacoma, WA for the campaign!


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