Helping Latinx-Owned Small Businesses Thrive During COVID
Fidencio, co-owner of Mojitos Bar & Grill
It’s a tough time to be a small business owner, especially a food-based business owner. While the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic continues to make dining out complicated, restaurant owners face daunting challenges to keep their businesses afloat.
But thanks to the creation of four Washington County Business Recovery Centers, small business owners based in Washington County are receiving vital support.
Adelante Mujeres is honored to represent the Forest Grove location of the Business Recovery Centers.
Washington County Business Recovery Centers provide access to resources for all businesses in Washington County seeking help. Businesses are provided with assistance, information, and resources needed to help reopen their businesses.
So far, our team has contacted 200+ businesses over the phone and through site visits to tell them about our services such as technical assistance, grant resources, business rent assistance, marketing, and free Personal Protective Equipment.
One of those businesses is Mojitos Bar & Grill, located in Cornelius, Oregon. Our team shared grant opportunities with the owners and they were able to secure the Revive! Cornelius grant. We also helped Mojitos streamline their brand image and gave support with navigating social media platforms to grow their audience and bring in more customers.
Mojitos owners say, "Gracias por todo el apoyo e información que me ha brndado con mi negocio incluyendo tips de mercadeo por las redes sociales me an sido muy utilies."
“Thank you for all of the support and information you have given me with my business, including marketing tips through social networks. It has been very useful.”
The Forest Grove Business Recovery Center at the Adelante Mujeres building in downtown Forest Grove, Oregon.