“It was an experience that I never thought I could have again”
A recap of the Adult Education Program’s end-of-year celebration
Every summer, our education programs throw graduation celebrations where our staff, participants, and their families unite to applaud their hard work and accomplishments from the school year. The pandemic forced the last few years’ celebrations to be held virtually, so when we came together in-person this year, it had an extra dose of joy and excitement as the women in our Adult Education Program received their certificates of completion.
In a small ceremony at a local park, women enthusiastically cheered for one another and many gave powerful speeches about the impact that the classes had on their life this year. These women proved that no matter your age, it’s never too late to invest in yourself. When balancing jobs and motherhood, finding time for education is far from easy, but these amazing women show us that it’s possible — and it’s worth it.
From left to right: Yasi Lemus-Isla, Adult Education Program Manager, Patricia Alvarado, Director of Education Programs, and Maria Luisa Piñon, Adult Education Program Coordinator at Adelante Mujeres get the festivities started.
But the women aren’t doing it alone. Our Adult Education team, including Yasi Lemus-Isla who manages the Adult Education Program at Adelante Mujeres, is with the women every step of the way, encouraging them to keep going when things get tough. Yasi’s heart and soul is in this work, and her enthusiasm is contagious as she celebrates the women’s achievements. She even whips together homemade Cuban meals for the graduation ceremonies.
Yasi Lemus-Isla celebrates the women as the ceremony begins.
This year, 84 women participated in Adult Education classes at Adelante Mujeres, which include English classes, GED classes, and leadership classes. Two women received their GED this school year and several others made progress towards that goal. Women in the program and their families also participated in eight different workshops that focused on environmental leadership, healing through art, and improving physical and mental health by spending time in nature.
The following week, a small, intimate celebration was held to celebrate Hilda Chávez De Veliz, a participant who received her GED this year — a major accomplishment. Hilda’s family attended the celebration, which coincidentally was also her 50th birthday, showering her with flowers and hugs.
“Back home [in Guatemala], thirty years ago I graduated as a teacher for elementary school,” said Hilda, “but then I had my children and I stayed at home taking care of my family.” After years of focusing on raising her children, Hilda decided it was time to focus on herself and pursue dreams that she put aside, so she enrolled in our Adult Education Program.
Hilda Chávez De Veliz celebrates receiving her GED.
“It was an experience that I never thought I could have again,” said Hilda during the celebration. “My graduation has even been motivational for my children. I told them, ‘I’m going to graduate’. I wanted to show them that no matter the age or time in life, we can achieve our goals if we set our minds to it.”
Hilda and her children.
Hilda says that Yasi and her other teachers at Adelante Mujeres always encouraged her to keep going. “They always told me, ‘You can do it. This is not an obstacle for you, you can do it’… Thanks to Adelante Mujeres we are not alone. At Adelante Mujeres, we have help and support, and that it’s never too late. The most important thing when you decide to achieve something is to strive for it.”
“It’s been a wonderful thing to know that many other women have the same attitude of moving forward and keep studying,” said Hilda. “I hope and wish to motivate other people. Go forward, women. You can do it!”
For the graduates, continuing their education and learning new leadership skills ignited a new fire within them. From further pursuing higher education, to getting involved in the community, to mentoring and supporting other women, to speaking out and leading, there is much on their horizons. This is only the beginning. ¡Adelante!
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