2022 Year in Review
Cold, gray, winter days are perfect for taking stock. At Adelante Mujeres, there is SOOOO much about 2022 to be grateful for and excited about! Here are a couple of my favorite highlights....
We were thrilled to kick off the year with the launch of our new Leadership & Advocacy Department. This new pillar is built on Adelante’s 20 years of work creating justice through grassroots leadership. Successes were soon to follow with 2022 legislative wins in Salem that mean the world to our community, like long overdue farmworker overtime pay. While our amazing staff have much to say about the needs and aspirations of Latine families, Adelante is all about promoting the voices of our participants. Throughout the legislative sessions we made sure our community took the lead in expressing what justice looks like to them. ¡Sí se puede! ¡Adelante 2023!
We started with a bang and we’re wrapping up with a boom! This month, after a year-plus of planning, we approved the opening of Esperanza - our new social and emotional wellness program. Esperanza will be an interdisciplinary center providing a responsive environment for Latine individuals seeking mental health services and traditional ancestral practices in support of holistic health. With Esperanza, Adelante is addressing the chronic, heartbreaking shortage of linguistically and culturally appropriate behavioral health services. Our services will be family-centric and integrate culturally meaningful practices for optimal healing. And we’ll cultivate a pipeline of sorely needed health practitioners. We can't wait to open our doors!
I want you to know how instrumental you have been in making this happen. Un millon de gracias! Along with my most sincere gratitude for your care and generosity, I’m sending you warmest hopes for 2023.
-Bridget Cooke,
Adelante Mujeres Co-Founder and Executive Director
From expanding mental health support, to growing our Chicas in College Program, to hiring new staff, 2022 was a year full of growth. Click through our interactive 2022 Year In Review - available in English and Spanish - by clicking the left and right arrows on the slideshow to see what we've been up to over the last twelve months (tip: it might take a minute to load).
